Since I attended Eroticon last weekend, I’ve been thinking. About lots of things. But, in particular, making more time to write. Not reviews, not articles, but erotica. More Five-minute stories. More serials.

Chintz went live approximately eight months ago and since then I’ve blogged nearly every week day. That’s a fair few posts! But while I’m tapping away furiously on my keyboard for a good few hours Monday to Friday, I’ve found that I’m devoting more and more time to reviews and less and less to writing stories.

Eroticon’s given me the impetus to examine my objectives and more clearly prioritise my goals for 2013:

  • I want to finish Garden within the next two months.
  • I want to write more Five-minute erotica pieces.
  • I want to look at compiling an erotica anthology.

So what does this mean? Well, from Monday, that I’ll be posting a little less frequently. I’ve come to the conclusion that two – maybe three – times a week is plenty, and giving myself a bit more breathing room will be really beneficial to achieving my writing objectives. There’ll still be reviews, there’ll still be Alert Me posts – there just won’t be as many of them.

Fingers crossed the slower pace doesn’t stop you all from visiting me!

PS – If you’re waiting for the next Garden episode, don’t worry; that’ll still be going up tomorrow as planned.

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7 thoughts on “Some changes …

  1. I don’t think you will lose readers at all. I have found that a regular schedule works just as well if not better then a frequent one if that makes sense and also… writing your blog for you, is without a doubt the key to success. If you love what you are creating then the reader will pick up on that.


    • You’ve hit the nail on the head. It is for me. I love to write; it’s what makes me happiest. And happy is good!

      PS – I think you’re going to need to start charging for all this good advice soon! xxx

  2. Less is more. I love what you write but struggle to keep up – so much to read, so little time.. Looking forward to even higher quality posts in a manageable frequency! Go for gold, do your best.


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