Don’t you just love playing with glitter? Although the bloody stuff does tend to go everywhere and you find it in the oddest places for weeks afterwards! A little galaxy of stardust scattered throughout the house …


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15 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday: Stardust

  1. I really like this photo. Very erotic. I agree about the glitter getting into places unseen, well, until you find them.

  2. Love the glitter and the photo is so nicely done with the lighting and everything. If I had better lighting and a better camera, I would so break out my body glitter after this. Simply stunning!

  3. That would make a beautiful cover for an erotica book, IMHO. If only it could pass the new … censorship ‘guidelines’ against glitter on covers. Snort. Seriously, gorgeous.

  4. I made my (then girlfriend) throw away a dress she had which was full of glitter. We had an amorous trip back from the pub but I spent days afterwards finding glitter in places and it just wouldn’t go.

    I am part-caveman in my body hair and it just retained it for ages.

    She relented.

    Glitter is evil stuff.



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