Rush - Maya BanksTitle: Rush
Author: Maya Banks
Publisher: Berkley Trade (05 February 2013)
ISBN: 978-0425267042
Reviewer(s): Michael and Jane

Prepare yourselves. Michael and I decided to read and review Rush in tandem. And let’s just say that we had, er, pretty strong reactions to it. Warning: it’s a general winter of discontent below the fold and we only just refrained from using SHOUTY CAPITALS in our respective reviews. Buckle up.



First off, let me say this. Maya Banks has been doing this for a while now. I don’t really think this is her version of Fifty Shades of Grey despite the fact that it did sort of feel that way. (Oh, and if you don’t want spoilers, don’t read this because this is a fully-fledged rant.) Having said that, she has accomplished something I wouldn’t have thought possible: created a male lead in Gabe Hamilton that makes Christian Grey and Gideon Cross (Bared to You) look like normal, well-adjusted, thoughtful young men. Continue reading


Your temperature is dropping

Image: Your temperature is dropping by C. Kennedy Garrett

After a whopping break between episodes (was it really November that I posted part fourteen of Garden?!), Nick and Grace are finally back. Sorry it’s taken me this long to crack on with their story; I got kind of sidetracked.

I’m 99.9% sure that those who’ve been following this serial have completely forgotten where we left things after such a lengthy break, so to refresh memories, here’s a quick re-cap …

Last time we saw Grace, she was at Nick’s place. She didn’t have her clothes on. And she was caught between a two delightful instruments: a feather and a crop. Oh, and Caelan was there lending a helping hand, too. All in all, things were going a lot more smoothly than they were the first time those three were in the same room together. So is it plain sailing from here?


This episode is pretty tame. But don’t worry; I fully intended to increase the heat level in the next few chapters. The next one will be posted this Friday.

Haven’t read Garden before? Start here. Continue reading


After Eight


Foil-encased condoms always remind me of After Eight chocolates (or fancy herbal teabags) and these Mates Skyns in particular, with their dark backgrounds and gold lettering, are remarkably similar to this iconic Seventies dinner-party staple. You could very easily slip some into a box and offer them round to your guests after pudding … You know, just to keep the conversation interesting … (Hey, Lizzie’s oral sex mints came out in this context and it certainly created some chatter!) Continue reading


A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to win a sponsored ticket to Eroticon 2013 (thank you so much Xcite Books!) and on Friday night will be travelling up to London for this outstanding event. Two days of discussions and workshops focussing on writing (and presenting) sex in the right way. Bloggers. Editors. Publishers. Photographers. It’s going to be amazing.

Anyway, before I jump on the train to this erotica nirvana, I thought I’d better take part in the pre-conference Meet and Greet. You know, give all the other poor unsuspecting attendees some idea of what’s about to be inflicted upon them …

Name: Jane

Twitter ID: @ChintzCurtain

Must attend Eroticon 2013 session: I can only pick one? Okay. The Anthologies session with Maxim Jakubowski, Lucy Felthouse, Victoria Blisse, and Rachel Kramer Bussel. I’m a huge fan of short-form erotica.

Bloggers you’d like to be trapped in the lift with: Dirty Little Whispers (she’d make me laugh), Being Blacksilk (she’d be able to tell some fabulous erotic stories to pass the time), Ruffled Sheets (I love Andy’s photographs) and Molly (who doesn’t want to be trapped in the lift with her?!).

Erotic writer you’d like to write dramatize your life story: Heck, I’d need to pick someone who wasn’t afraid to use heavy artistic license. My life just isn’t that dramatic. Do they have to be alive? No? Anaïs Nin, then.

Expected biggest fangirl/fanboy moment: Probably Rachel Kramer Bussel. Sex, editing, and red pen. That’s like my idea of pure bliss.

What keeps you awake at night? My husband’s snoring. It’s loud. Very, very loud.

Want to know who else is attending Eroticon 2013? Click here to find out.


Eroticon 2013 sex bloggers conference


Garden of Earthly Delights excerptImage: Garden of Earthly Delights (part sixteen) excerpt

I feel guilty. I didn’t do a post yesterday. But I did have a good reason.

As promised, I’ve been writing more Garden and, so far, have managed to finish the next two episodes. I’m on a bit of a roll and want to keep going while the flow is with me, so have decided that, for the next few days, I’m going to seize the moment and keep writing until I run out of steam.

So, unfortunately, no reviews ’til next week. Sorry. But if it’s any consolation, we have some lovely ones in the pipeline: the Rocks-Off Soft Tip Bullet Vibrator, the Silver Swan from Ann Summers, Bondara’s Heavy Duty Adjustable Spreader Bar and the Smile Makers’ fantasy man vibrators will all be added to the Chintz Toy Box in the near future. Continue reading


Hieronymus Bosch - Garden_of_Earthly Delights (detail)Today, I’m not doing a ‘proper’ post. Why? Because I’m chaining myself to my desk in order to work on The Garden of Earthly Delights. I have been neglecting it shamefully. There are still a fair few episodes to come (yes, I know what happens in each – I just have to write them!) and I’m beginning to think that Caelan and Jack are going to demand a stories, too … (gulp)

I know I’ve asked this before, but (once more with feeling) how did a ‘short’ serial get so out-of-hand?!

Segueing slightly, a fair few of you know that I belong to a really fabulous group on Goodreads known as BDSM (if you’re a BDSM erotica author or reader – or simply have an interest in kink – I strongly recommend you check it out) and last November, La Crimson Femme, moderator extraordinaire, encouraged me to take part in Bedtime Stories, which features narrated excerpts from the books of various BDSM erotica authors (such as Riley Murphy, Trent Evans, Lindsey Brooks, Kallypso Masters). I was really nervous about it because I’m not a published author and I know my writing still needs a fair bit of work. But I’m so pleased she talked me into it because I’ve received some really lovely comments from people since the recording went live – and I can’t tell you how encouraging that’s been. Continue reading


Spanktastic - Sadey QuinnTitle: Spanktastic
Author: Sadey Quinn
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (20 June 2012)
ISBN: 978-1475054675
Reviewer: Jane

You know how you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover? Well, I took one look at Spanktastic and totally (totally) did.

Oh, my, is it hot.

But do you know what’s even better? The inside. Because does Spanktastic ever live up to its super-seductive exterior. In fact, I’d go so far as to say it surpasses it – and a barebottomed red-head draped over a velvet chair is pretty hard to top, in my opinion!

This book is an absolute feast for spanking gluttons. Twenty-two luscious stories, in which different women have their bottoms turned a delightful shade of pink by the various inhabitants of fictional town, Rock Creek – a BDSM-friendly community whose residents are free to indulge their fetishes behind closed doors or in front of them. (I should point out here that whilst Spanktastic is a collection of shorts, they’re all linked together by this common setting and, thus, intertwine to create an anthology with a ‘novelesque’ feel. So even if you’re not generally keen on short-form erotica, Spanktastic may just appeal to you.) Continue reading


A rose is a rose is a rose

How could I not do a Valentine’s shot this week?

This pic is of the Evolved Silicone Bendable Rose Vibrator, which the very lovely Donna from Vibrator Kingdom sent me as a Valentine’s gift. (Donna, you rock. x) I’m so, so tempted to leave it in the vase for a day or two and see if anyone works out what it is …

A little game to end. Can anyone can tell me (without using Google or any other search engine!) the name of the author responsible for the quote ‘A rose is a rose is a rose’? The prize? Bragging rights and general kudos. And I promise to bow (virtually) to you. If you can name the book, too? I will actually prostrate myself.

Consider the gauntlet thrown down! Continue reading


Wow. The lovely La Crimson Femme has named me as a Very Inspiring Blogger. Thank you, dear lady. I’m beyond flattered!

Everyone reading this post? Please do go and visit La Crimson Femme’s wonderful site. She’s the queen of the erotic book review, and has some really fantastic educational posts devoted to BDSM. (If you want to know about fireplay and violet wands, she’s most definitely your girl!)

Very Inspiring Blogger is about paying it forwards, letting people know that you enjoy reading their blogs, and helping others discover them, too. The rules of accepting a nomination are simple:

  • Display the Very Inspiring Blogger badge in a post or on your sidebar;
  • Link back to the person who nominated you;
  • State seven things about yourself so that people can find out a little bit more about you.
  • Nominate fifteen blogs you enjoy visiting and link to them; and
  • Notify those bloggers of their nomination and the Very Inspiring Blogger requirements.

So, without further ado, seven things about Jane … Continue reading