The house we are currently renting has a peach tree in the garden that’s absolutely laden with fruit. Unfortunately, we had a hail storm a few weeks back that spat out icy stones the size of marbles and rendered most of the crop inedible. As I was picking up all of the fallen peaches off the ground this morning, it struck me that I could find an alternative use for them …
NB: I’ve deliberately over-exposed this shot after the fact – do you think the doctoring hinders or enhances?
Overexposed the shot; lol! Have fun with your camera
Shame about the hailstones! Peaches are lovely!
I am too distracted by your butt to answer the question in any meaningful way.
I never really care whether or not people alter their images, I just see the image in and of itself.
This shot really made me chuckle, excellently shot xx
I like the over=exposure, it has bought out the definition in the lines of your bottom (which is absolutely PERFECT) if it was mine though, I would have also tried to remove the resulting noise that the over-exposure has created. Do you have lightroom? You can do that easily in there, if not I don’t mind giving it a go. Doesn’t always work but might be worth a try.
Oh and I have never lived anywhere where Peaches just grow on the trees. That is so amazing.
Thank you so much, Molly. I don’t know that it’s perfect but I will take the compliment!
I don’t actually have Lightroom, just iPhoto which isn’t the best at ‘de-noising’ unfortunately. Will definitely look into Lightroom, though and maybe have a little splurge! Jane xxx
Great shot, love the composition!
~Kazi xxx
I think the over-exposure definitely enhanced the photo. First thing my eye was drawn to was the roundness of your butt, then the peach, which somehow complements the roundness of your bottom even more
Rebel xox
That peach is so tempting to fondle…
and the fruit looks good too.
Shame about the peaches but a lovely shot…
Overexposure does highlight the right places in this image. Your bottom is so flawless. Like a tasty peach.
A peachy butt and a… juicy peach – they both look yummy.
I love this picture. The over-exposure makes it even more gorgeous.
Your bottom would be more delicious with some sweet peach juice.
Love the slightly overexposed reds, the hardest bit is which to bite first though.
Well hey, those peaches are looking mighty tasty
Nothing so sweet as a peach! And you do look peachy!
Jane, it’s a great photo! Just as it is. Over-exposed, whatever. Perfect visual punniness and hotness. Is punniness a word? It is now.
Doesn’t look like anything has hindered this shot! Any edits you’ve made have only enhanced it. It’s sexy and playful and very sweet!
What a beautiful image, and your bum does look like a peach there. Cute panties!
The way you’re cupping that actual peach is the way I’m sure a lot of your readers would like to be cupping the other two! Such a cool photo, and it goes without saying that your arse looks great.