This is my entry for this week’s Sinful Sunday competition. The brief? ‘One Word – Convey the meaning of your chosen word through your photograph(s)’.

As per the title of this post, I picked the word ‘swing’, which, at first glance (before you see my images), could suggest something else entirely …

Once again, these photographs were a joint effort, with my friend, E, on the other side of the lens.


Swing 1


Swing 2


Swing 3


Sinful Sunday

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32 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday: Swing

    • I really love the contrasts that black and white creates. E shot most of these in B&W mode and, I have to say, they just felt nicer this way than in colour.

    • Not brave enough to hit the park dressed like this (although, in reality, I’m more covered up than if I was wearing a bikini on the beach!) :-). These were taken in E’s garden. But we did get a visitor during the shoot and I had to hide until he left!

      • Lol!!! I know what you mean about finding it difficult to be brave. We did some photos in the early hours of a Sunday morning, on what Hubby said was a secluded path, in Hampstead Heath last year . . . when all of a sudden a jogger burst round the corner and ran straight past us (without breaking stride). I didn’t know whether to feel grateful, or disappointed, that he hadn’t stopped for a closer look. Xxx – K

    • Thank you so much, Dee. (I debated whether to stick that last one as it shows my face a little, but I really like the feeling of movement it gives and couldn’t resist.)

  1. As soon as I saw the title I imagined you in your undies on a swing…. I mean literally imaged you doing it and laughing your way through it…. and I was spot on. Brilliant shots, brilliant idea, BRILLIANT



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