The following images wouldn’t have been possible with the help of my very lovely friend, E, who didn’t bat an eyelid when I told her I needed help shooting some (sort of) revealing photographs. Or balk when I said ‘bring wellies!’.
We had such a blast taking these pictures – and the others in what I’m now (pretentiously) calling the Wander series; they were all snapped in a single afternoon on one of my favourite walking routes. Having the opportunity to experiment with natural light, textures and, in some of the shots, gusts of wind, made the whole experience both fascinating and enjoyable. We had so many ideas we wanted to explore but, in the end, we ran out of time! Looking at what we ended up with, I decided to group the images according to setting and, rather than reveal them in all in one go, post them over the next few Sinful Sundays.
Relatively speaking, the photographs in Wander are pretty tame (although for me personally they are quite risky) but I hope that you get a sense of the open spaces we were in and a little hint of something sensual going on within them.
Oh to be a walker on that route
We did actually have an, er, encounter at one point! (I’ll tell you more about that next week as it happened a little later in our walk …)
Oooo these are reallly really beautiful pictures. Like absolute works of art! Well done
Wow. Thanks, Bunny! x
Love the outdoors and the wide open spaces. Beauty within beauty!
So pleased you liked them. (I’m a bit of an outdoors girl, too!)
Want. To. Be. There.
What a gorgeous setting! And it’s not 94 degrees and humid, is it? Oh so envious.
Beautiful shots. Evocative. I love B&W, and the textures and lighting are very cool!
Nope, it definitely wasn’t 94 degrees – but it was quite warm (for England, anyway) and muggy. (I feel the cold and that top wouldn’t have been coming off if there was a hint of a chill in the air!)
This is my first visit here and I suspect it won’t be my last. The beauty of your form and these photographs is breathtaking…
Lovely to have you here! And thank you so much for your kind words. Really do hope you come and visit again. x
Absolutely stunning shots – combine them with some writing and…
Thank you, Ms Flowers :-).
Oh my Jane you have excelled yourself. These are breath-taking, I love the lighting and the curve of your spine. You have a beautiful back too. Oh and the wellies… just the perfect touch.
Thank you so much, Molly. I can’t take all the credit, though; E was totally brilliant and I couldn’t have achieved these pictures without her.
Delightful set of images.. Love the body shape in the last one… Sensual and sexy :):) love it :*
Totally flattered. Thank you so much! x
Very lovely. I’ll take shots like this any day of the week. Plus I’m a huge fan of black and white. Looking forward to the coming weeks.
Crossing my fingers you like the remaining pics!
Oh brilliant! and the black and white is a perfect filter on the scene… love these!
~Kazi xxx
Thanks so much, Kazi. x
Wow. Absolutely beautiful pictures.
I think E deserves most of the credit.
I love outdoor photography, and being unclothed outdoors as well. These shots are wonderful
Thanks, Ali. You’re very kind!
Stunning photos! I love the feeling the black and white gives the photos!
And it made me want to go and wander around in the woods and be naughty
Rebel xox
The setting is gorgeous and so are you! I love sensual outdoors photos! Looking forward to the rest of the series.
just beautiful, creative & well done.
great series of shots…2 thumbs up
Beautiful, beautiful. I’m looking forward to the next set.
Beautiful photographs. And the black and white works really well.
Absolutely beautiful photo’s! Love how casual you seem xx
These are beautiful!! breathtaking photos!!
~Mia~ xx
All of these are really beautiful. Nicely done.
Oh I love this series. Running around topless takes way more bravery, for me, than I usually have when we’re out for a hike.