
This photograph was a happy accident. It’s from the Working Girl sequence I did for the Sinful Sunday competition a few weeks back (some of you may recognise the lingerie) and I was playing around with downwards-looking shots. In the end, I decided that it didn’t communicate the film’s title clearly enough, so pushed it to the side.

I was actually wearing a fake fur coat over my stockings and knickers during that snapping session and I think the reason I like this image is that you can see a hint of its texture. The coat in question has been hanging in my wardrobe since I was 20 (my OH calls it my ‘Tickle Me Elmo’ coat) and I love it as much now as the day I bought it. It’s very warm (I’m someone who tends to feel the cold!), the fur is thick and lush (it feels amazing against bare skin), and I often find myself stroking it when I’m wearing it. What can I say? I’m a tactile girl. :-)

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19 thoughts on “Sinful Sunday: Stroke

  1. For a moment I thought you were cuddling a teddy bear and I had visions of a sexy ‘little’ girl but the fur coat gives it a whole different far more grown up feel which I love. Really fabulous perspective shot.


  2. Wow, Jane. I think you have a real gift for photography. I haven’t read your bio (I should) but I bet I will be embarrassed soon to learn that you are a pro. Seriously, you take some amazing photos! Good God woman. They could easily be gorgeous book covers, IMO.


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