A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to win a sponsored ticket to Eroticon 2013 (thank you so much Xcite Books!) and on Friday night will be travelling up to London for this outstanding event. Two days of discussions and workshops focussing on writing (and presenting) sex in the right way. Bloggers. Editors. Publishers. Photographers. It’s going to be amazing.
Anyway, before I jump on the train to this erotica nirvana, I thought I’d better take part in the pre-conference Meet and Greet. You know, give all the other poor unsuspecting attendees some idea of what’s about to be inflicted upon them …
Name: Jane
Twitter ID: @ChintzCurtain
Must attend Eroticon 2013 session: I can only pick one? Okay. The Anthologies session with Maxim Jakubowski, Lucy Felthouse, Victoria Blisse, and Rachel Kramer Bussel. I’m a huge fan of short-form erotica.
Bloggers you’d like to be trapped in the lift with: Dirty Little Whispers (she’d make me laugh), Being Blacksilk (she’d be able to tell some fabulous erotic stories to pass the time), Ruffled Sheets (I love Andy’s photographs) and Molly (who doesn’t want to be trapped in the lift with her?!).
Erotic writer you’d like to write dramatize your life story: Heck, I’d need to pick someone who wasn’t afraid to use heavy artistic license. My life just isn’t that dramatic. Do they have to be alive? No? Anaïs Nin, then.
Expected biggest fangirl/fanboy moment: Probably Rachel Kramer Bussel. Sex, editing, and red pen. That’s like my idea of pure bliss.
What keeps you awake at night? My husband’s snoring. It’s loud. Very, very loud.
Want to know who else is attending Eroticon 2013? Click here to find out.