Image: Kenny Louie
Yeah, I know it’s been a bit quiet around here these past few weeks. Sincere apologies. I’m currently preparing to move abroad – literally to the other side of the world – and it’s kind of eating into my writing and blogging time. :-/ I hope to be back up and running properly in early December once I’m resettled but, fingers crossed, I might be able to squeak in a few posts here and there.
Thank you all for being so patient as I leave, in the words of John Denver, on a jet plane.
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We’ll all be looking forward to your return to the ether. Have a great journey and good luck in your new home!
Aw, thank you Ms Flowers. Can’t wait to get back into the swing of things. x
I only just found your blog and now I’m reading this
I hope you can keep writing for us. Good luck with the transition and I hope it all works out for you. Andrea