I’m not sure that I can fully express how much I love pants (sorry – I just can’t bring myself to call them ‘panties’; as a Brit-Antipodean hybrid, that word always makes me giggle) but given that I’m someone who’s a tad – okay, a lot – lacking in the chest department, they’re the one item of lingerie that I know I can really go to town with. There’s no worrying about how I’m going to go about filling them out, no stressing about how ridiculously over-padded they might look, no wondering if I’m going to end up with two underwires swinging around my neck the moment I lift my arms in the air. In short, they’re my trump card when I take my clothes off.
My love of knickers started pretty early on; my mum has always maintained the most amazing pants drawer and her love of sexy lingerie has rubbed off well and good. Her motto? ‘You can’t wear bad underwear. What if you get hit by a bus?’ Seems rather random, I know, but her point is that you want to be looking your best if you end up in a situation that requires you to divest yourself of clothing unexpectedly.
I hate to think how much I’ve spent on pants over the years. Before I had kids – and thus had two shiny pennies to rub together (oh, and time to handwash rather than throwing anything and everything into the washing machine) – I used to fork over ridiculous sums on bits of silk, satin and lace. However, these days, with less disposable income and a washing mound the size of Vesuvius, I have to be a little more restrained and discerning. Now I have an everyday pile (still nice, but can be washed mechanically with regular detergent) and an ‘other’ pile. Okay, a kinky pile. Actually, a box. And this is my little treasure chest of treats. Although I pilfer it regularly enough, there is nothing better than when my OH goes into said box (no pun intended) and lays out a little morsel on the bed for me to wear. When he does that, it’s a very clear signal to me that we’re shifting into ‘play’ mode.
Standing in front of someone in a pair of provocative kickers and nothing else. Being told to take them off or having them stripped from you. Leaving them at mid-thigh or tangled around your ankles during sex. No piece of clothing that I can think of has the ability to make me feel sexier.
Our respective favourites? Well …
His are these tie-sided lovelies – easy to remove and they have a see-through back (the perv!):
Mine are the ouverts pictured in the title image.
And we both rather like these ones, which are at once kinky and amusing. (You need a Hollywood to wear them successfully, though. These are definitely not a ‘between waxes’ option!):
Who else has a thing for knickers? Click on the Kink of the Week banner below to find out.
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Knickers!!!! – how refreshing to hear that – perhaps I should stand up against the state-side alternative (although, sadly, it has now become entrenched in my mind set). And, I must add, what a fine trio of positively ‘chintzy’ knickers you have displayed
But where are the pink ones? 
Why, thank you
For some reason, I seem to be short on pink ones … (Something that needs to be remedied, clearly!)
love the top ones…
ever checked out Mimi Holliday on amazon.co.uk?
somehow i appear to have gained a drawer full – no idea how!
just don’t go for the ones with bows you tie at the back, v uncomfortable against jeans
I LOVE Mimi Holliday and Damaris (their sister line). And … Oh dear, God! I have just checked their site (was planning on sticking their link in for you) and they are having a sale!!! A good one! Here’s the site address – http://www.damaris.co.uk/ I am off over there right now!
I would love to walk into a room and see a sexy pair of panties awaiting, with the “come hither for some sexy fun” symbol.
Loved the tying ones.
The tie-sided ones are a lot of fun. I have a few in that style and must say that the ‘quick removal’ aspect is pretty damn awesome!
Hooray for someone else who says ‘knickers’! That makes me very happy indeed
And my, what lovely knickers you have, too!
xx Dee
Thank you, Dee! They will always be knickers to me!
My American husband has infected me…. I call them panties *hangs head in shame
Reading all these posts have given a longing for panties today, tonight we are going out to dinner, I think beautiful panties will be worn!
Have a lovely time – and ‘yay’ for the beautiful knickers! xxx
You have beautiful panties… uhh… knickers… I especially love the last one.
Rebel xox
Thank you, lovely lady. (I like those last ones, too. Whenever I wear them they make me grin!) xxx
I also tend to call them knickers rather than panties in general (being British and all) but when I’m online it ends up as panties. I blame the Internet and anime!
Those side-tie panties look awesome. I’ve wanted a pair like that for a long time but I can’t seem able to find them. Boo.
Lol! Re. the tie-sided ones, they came from Agent Provocateur. They still do similar tie-styles: http://www.agentprovocateur.com/lingerie/knickers.html (The ‘Penny’ and ‘Birthday Suit’ designs are lush.) Not particularly cheap, though! (Was lucky enough to get my pairs on sale.) xxx