Kaylee's KeeperTitle: Kaylee’s Keeper (Masters of The Castle #2)
Author: Maren Smith
Publisher: Blushing Books Publications (5 July 2013)
Reviewer(s): Michael & Jane

Oh, ho-ho. Michael knocked it out of the park with this joint read-and-review choice. Spanking, D/s, violet wands, vegetable safewords. Funny, hot and totally sexy.


So Kaylee has been saving up for the moment of her life: a trip to The Castle, the hottest BDSM resort in Central Ohio. She gets to spend three whole days living out her fantasies.

She just has one teeny tiny little problem. She’s no clear idea of what her fantasies will be like in real life. She has never played, never been to a club, never done anything. And she is sure of one thing: if she tells The Truth, admits to her inexperience, she’ll be spending her entire stay in the kiddie pool wearing water wings.

So she lies. Not a big lie. She just wants them to think she has some experience. What could go wrong? It isn’t like they are going to drag her down to an underground dungeon and send in a Hulking Brute in an Executioner’s Mask with a Bullwhip, is it? Okay, so maybe it was a big lie. Continue reading



*Can’t read the minuscule copy? Me neither! Click on the image to make it bigger.

For me, personally, the word ‘no’ doesn’t work in quite the same way within the bedroom as it does outside of it. Oh, it still exists all right – it just takes on a different form, wears a different set of clothes. The bulk of its clout is transferred, temporarily, to another combination of letters. In my case ‘red’ – and this is what the above poem would look like if I used it: Continue reading