Christmas Fairy

Image: Christmas Fairy. (Me, wearing my halo, whilst sitting in a Pohutukawa – also known as the ‘New Zealand Christmas tree’.)

This Wicked Wednesday is an unapologetic, sentimental and festive ‘thank you’ – a big one! – to all the amazing people who have made my 2013 so happy and wonderful.

Bloggers, writers, readers, fellow kinksters … There are so many of you that I am pleased and proud to know (both online and in person), and who have been totally selfless in support of me and this little Chintzy corner of the Interweb these past twelve months. To that end, I’d like to embarrass a few of you by specifically calling out your awesomeness. Continue reading


Title: Make Me Yours Evermore
Author: Cari Silverwood
Publisher: Cari Silverwood
ISBN: 9781311900234

At one point, Chris, a character in Make Me Yours Evermore, mentions brain bleach. By the end of the book, I was surreptitiously checking supermarket shelves for a bottle of the stuff.

Redemption? Remorse? Morality?



Wash your mouth out.

This book is about lust, desire, control and corruption. But, above all else, it’s about power. Held absolutely and resolutely over another human being. Consensual? No. But compelling and intoxicating, nonetheless.

Brain Bleach

I can’t recall a single time I’ve ‘enjoyed’ (not to be confused with ‘been impressed by’) a book featuring a core protagonist I was unable to like, empathise with, or warm to. But in this particular case, I did. Continue reading


A Princess BoundI’m back! On the other side of the world, granted, but hooked into the interweb at long last. I don’t have a house (that’s still a work in progress) and the contents of my chintzy home are on a ship in the middle of one of the world’s oceans – likely the Atlantic. Pray that my container-load of worldly possessions isn’t one of the thousands that ends up lost at sea every year (I need all those books and, er, play things).

In the middle of all this chaos, however, I’ve just received some extremely exciting news: my short story, Thorn King, will be appearing in Cleis Press’s naughty fairy tale anthology, A Princess Bound, in June 2014. Woot! Edited by Kristina Wright, it’s a fabulous collection of fairy stories – both reworked and original – that celebrate the fanciful, dark and the sensual. Needless to say, I’m totally thrilled to have been included, not least because I’m going to be sliding between the covers with some very fine writers, including Kristina herself. Continue reading



Image: Kenny Louie

Yeah, I know it’s been a bit quiet around here these past few weeks. Sincere apologies. I’m currently preparing to move abroad – literally to the other side of the world – and it’s kind of eating into my writing and blogging time. :-/ I hope to be back up and running properly in early December once I’m resettled but, fingers crossed, I might be able to squeak in a few posts here and there. Continue reading


Happy Monday, everyone. I know I normally do Freebies and Discounts posts on Fridays but, over the weekend, the lovely folk at ohtique were kind enough to give me an exclusive discount code for Chintz readers, which will enable you guys to obtain 25% off everything on their site, including items already on sale. Not to be sniffed at, considering some of their toys are currently half-price (now that’s a happy maths problem!). And they offer free delivery, too.

My picks? Well, you know I’m not that keen on pink things, so might I suggest one of these lovely, dark beauties …


Silicone Anal Beads from Sex and Mischief


Silicone Anal Beads - Sex and Mischief


Made from silicone – and therefore body-safe fun for your bottom. Continue reading


*A massive ‘thank you’ to everyone who voted my Pain Positive and Sex toy manuals: puppies, kittens and a whole lot of nonsensical fluff as top picks for this month’s edition of e[lust], and an even bigger one to the wonderful people who made the former article possible – Molly (Molly’s Daily Kiss@Mollysdailykiss), DomSigns (@DomSigns), Trent Evans (Trent Evans Letters@TrentEvansTales) and M. They, without doubt, deserve the lion’s share of the credit.


potter Photo courtesy of Property of Potter

Welcome to e[lust] - The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at e[lust]. Want to be included in e[lust] #52? Start with the newly updated rules, come back November 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!


~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~


7 (Random!) Suggestions for Dominant Types!

Pain Positive

i know what you are.



~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

Golden Girl

Have You Met Larry


~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*

Continue reading


Pendleton Sinking Ship

Image: Pendleton Sinking Ship Richard C. Kelsey, via Wikimedia Commons 

I find writing to be something of a hillocky process. One minute I’m on a peak, ideas flowing out of me in a torrent (a sometimes nonsensical torrent). The next, I’m stuck in a valley of frustration with potential story concepts and threads lurking about in the shadows, not quite willing to reveal themselves.

Over time, I’ve discovered that my better pieces of writing – or at least the pieces I, personally, deem to be my better ones – have something in common: they all started with a very specific inspirational emotion, object or element that I then went on to build the text around. Perhaps wrongly, I almost never start by etching out/detailing characters. Rather, the concept that’s kicked off the creative process and determines the mood and the emotion of the story I’m going to write subsequently influences the personas and behaviours of those who appear in it.

Frostbite? Inspired by a rural footpath I often walk along. All Girls Love Ponies? Riding whips. Table Manners? A beautifully set table. Dark (a story that I am holding onto and have not published here on Chintz)? Objectification. Continue reading


Pain Positive

“Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.”

– International Association for the Study of Pain


As a sensation in general, pain (understandably) gets a bad wrap. If we accept the above definition, it’s the body’s way of letting us know that we’re doing something to it that it would rather we didn’t.

But, for some, feeling and/or inflicting pain isn’t always a negative experience. What about those of us who have a positive, healthy relationship with it? Who consider it to be an intrinsic part of our sexual selves and a consensual, loving relationship?

I have been trying to write this post for a while but it has proven to be rather difficult. Mainly because I’m not confident that I can fully articulate the nuances of erotic pain, it subtleties – its beauty – in any sort of way that will do it justice. Not to mention that I am fighting against the ridiculously outdated perceptions of sexual/erotic pain put forward in the late 1800s and early Twentieth Century by two well-known psychiatrists. (Yep, we’re still defining sadism and masochism according to theories that are now over 100 years old. How’s that for progress?)

So I’ve called in help – big time – in the form of four very awesome people, all of whom, like me, have a close relationship with sexual pain and view it rather differently to Richard von Krafft-Ebing and Sigmund Freud




That first touch of his hand or the flogger or the paddle is always a shock that makes me gasp for breath and often, for a split second, a little glimmer of hate for this moment will niggle at my brain. ‘Ow that hurts’ my knee jerk reaction but only for a moment. The smallest of moments, because then it is replaced with a heat, a strong powerful surge of chemicals that flood my nervous system but all too soon they begin to wane, disappearing alone my nerve endings and fluttering away to almost nothing until the next strike and then the next and onwards. My body greedily lapping up the sensation, riding on an ever building wave of heat and pressure making my muscles twitch and my skin throb. Nothing else exists in this moment, the pain (for want of a better word) is a consuming focusing point that dances through my body, emptying my mind of everything and making me feel. Everything is more when there is pain and yet everything is me. I am the centre of myself or should I say my body is. Alight with heat, hot electric pulsing heat that fills me up and consumes me, washing everything else away. I am raw, exposed, vulnerable and yet invincible. In that moment I feel so truly alive. Continue reading