Merry Christmas from Behind the Chintz Curtain

The very last Behind the Chintz Curtain post for 2012. I can’t quite believe how fast the past five-and-a-half months have gone. Since Chintz went live on 3 July, over 13,000 of you have visited and I’d just like to say a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who’s taken the time to stop by.

I also need to send some serious festive love to the following amazing people, without whom I would have been totally lost on this blogging journey! Continue reading


In this last Alert Me for 2012, we have ‘dream man’ sex toys from Smile Makers, Barbie and Ken getting their kink on in Ottawa, Canada, and a school teacher under fire for writing erotica.


Conceptual Sex Toys: Smile Makers
Source: Trendland.com

The Fireman. The Millionaire. The Frenchman. The Tennis Coach.

No, these aren’t the titles of books from Mills & Boon. Rather, they’re the names of the four new Smile Makers vibrators on offer from conceptual design company Ramblin’ Brands. And when I say ‘conceptual’, they really, really are. I was completely puzzled as to how you might use The Frenchman and sat looking at him for quite some time before my OH came to the rescue. (One glance and he quickly identified that he’s supposed to be used like a tongue on your outer bits. Clearly, I’m in the slow group.)

I love the idea of vibrators based on the stereotypical ‘fantasy men’ – fun, amusing and very different. Aesthetically, I think the Smile Makers designs and colourways are extremely appealing, too, and I’ll definitely be adding them to the Chintz ‘to try’ list in the near future. In the meantime, I’m going to continue amusing myself with the Smile Makers Fantasy Man Generator, a hilarious little onsite game that lets you create your dream hunk from a cast of colourful characters and share him with your friends via social media. Loads of fun. (Be sure to click on Jungle Wayne in his tiger-striped underpants.) Continue reading


What we used: Climax Pink Skin Vibrator
From: Desire & Pleasure
Price: £15.99
Material(s): CyberSkin (latex and phthalate free)

A few weeks ago, the lovely folk over at Desire & Pleasure, a charitable sex toy retailer run by the U.K.’s Family Planning Association (FPA), sent us this classic-shaped Climax Pink Skin Vibrator to review. One of our newest Chintz contributors, The Dairy Maid, stuck her hand up to try it out. (If you missed our previous post on Desire & Pleasure, the FPA, and the work they do promoting sexual health, you can find it here.) Continue reading


Little baubles

I originally shot a ‘cock wreath’ (read: a cock ring adorned with holly) for this week’s Toy with me Tuesday but got a little distracted by shiny things after the fact. What can I say? I’m such a sucker for a bit of sparkle. In fairness, I had to take some pictures of this little Lady Lustfinger mini vibe before sending it off to its reviewer and it seemed crazy not to stick it next to all the pretty baubles from our Christmas tree before it went in the post. Continue reading


Unexpected Consequences - Cara BristolTitle: Unexpected Consequences (Rod and Cane Society #1)
Author: Cara Bristol
Publisher: Loose Id (20 September 2011)
ISBN: 9781611185768

I think ‘Unheld Conversations’ would have been a better title for this book.

Jared is a member of an organisation called the Rod and Cane Society. Personally, I prefer to refer to it by its original name when it was founded back in 1937: The He-Man Woman Haters Club. Therefore, throughout the rest of this review, I am going to call it He-Man for short.

So, anyway, the guys in He-Man are all into Domestic Discipline (DD). DD, if you aren’t aware, is a form of relationship where one partner gets to decide if the other partner has done something bad and, if they have, punish them for it – usually with a spanking. It can actually function either way (the Wife can spank the Husband) but that isn’t a He-Man idea. Oh, no. And when I say ‘guys’, I mean ‘guys’; ladies don’t actually get to join He-Man. They have to join the He-Man Ladies Auxiliary. More on that aspect a little later. Continue reading


The cost of lube

How much are you actually paying for a bottle of slippery stuff?

Over the past decade, there’s been something of a lube revolution. Where before we had pretty limited personal lubricant options (K-Y Jelly, basically), we’re now able to choose from a mind-boggling array of products – organic, silicone-based, water-based, sperm-friendly, anal formulations … The options are seemingly endless.

Recently, however, I’ve noticed that there’s considerable variation in the cost of the products out there. Obviously, the ingredients used in the different manufacturer formulations affect price (and a bigger bottle will, generally, have more of an initial impact on your pocket than a smaller one) but what are we actually spending, ml for ml, on the slippery stuff? I decided to do a little experiment and compare a random bunch of popular personal lubricants from different retailers, ml for ml. Here are the results, from least to most expensive  … Continue reading


Give a little sexy Christmas love

This Christmas, we have a full house. I’m even having to borrow a trestle table to fit everyone in for Christmas lunch. It’s going to be awesome. Lots of chatter, over-excited kids, plenty of Buck’s Fizz, good food and good conversation.

But once everyone’s gone home, the mess is cleaned up, and the small ones are fast asleep, I’ll be opening a few sexy presents with my OH, just the two of us. And I’m very much hoping that I’ll receive one or two things from my Christmas wishlist …


Title: Hunted
Author: Zeke Connor
Publisher: Excessica Publishing (06 October 2008)
ISBN: 2940000149157

‘Suzanne never believed that she was the type of woman who would allow herself to be dominated by a man, even if he was as strong-willed and intense as she was …’

Have you ever thought that Behind Enemy Lines would have been way cooler if Gene Hackman’s character weren’t in it, Owen Wilson’s part was played by a girl, and she was actually captured? Welcome to Hunted.

Suzanne is a women on a mission. Go in, meet up with her contact and take out the bad guys. One guy in particular on her list is a notorious torturer named Aleksandr. Continue reading