Title: Bond Confessions (London Brown) Volume 2, Novella 1
Author: Leila DeSint
Publisher: New Dawning Bookfair (4 July 2013)
ISBN: 9781301725502
Reviewer: Michael
If you recall, Michael reviewed Leila’s Confessions Collection Vol.1 back in February and was left wondering just what was going to happen in the next instalment …
‘Two men. One a politician on the verge of greatness and the other a philanthropist on the cusp of corruption, each own a piece of me.’
This is a short review but this latest instalment in the Confessions series really isn’t that long.
I’ll admit that this is one of those books that took me some time to get started with but, after that, I was genuinely pulled back into the story.
The positive thing for me is that Desniah seems to be gaining more control over her life. London only plays the smallest part and Desniah makes a massive decision at the end – or at least I hope she did.
Caden makes a huge step forward as he finally realises the truth that has been staring him in the face for long.
Rhys I have nothing good to say about. Trying to create a total power exchange relationship with someone who isn’t totally enthusiastic about it is wrong. Telling someone that you intend to complete their hard limits list is also wrong.
Going in I probably liked Rhys more than Caden. I’ve changed my mind at this point.
*Please note that a copy of Bond Confessions (London Brown) Volume 2, Novella 1 was provided free of charge by the author in exchange for a fair review.
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